State Of The Union
State Of The Union - solo show at Gallery 825, Los Angeles
The founding principles of equality and liberty are the hallmark of pluralistic American democracy. State Of The Union presents work made of shredded and altered American flags recast as symbols of the fragile state of our democracy. These are not desecrations but courageous attempts to look unflinchingly at the damage that extreme polarization and vilification of our fellow citizens has inflicted on the body politic. There has been a systematic shredding of the fabric of our civil society, without which the institutions of democracy will not persist. We must remember to value both founding principles rather than maintain “my” values are superior. The attitude of “My Country” rather than “Our Country” drives us apart. The artwork in this exhibit reflects the state of our union, which is the product of our collective attitudes, and asks the personal question, “How much am I involved?”
Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA
825 La Cienega Blvd.